• 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm​
• 21 years of age or older only
Cowgirl Luncheon
Friday June 13, 2025
A lunch brought to you by the Livermore Rodeo Foundation recognizing local scholarship recipients and this years cowgirl honoree.
Lunch to include choices of Hors D'oeuvres, steak or chicken along with sides.
A silent auction will be held.
For further information regarding the Livermore Rodeo Foundation's
Cowgirl Luncheon, please contact Brandi Foscalina at cowgirlluncheon@livermorerodeo.com

2025 Livermore Rodeo Foundation
Cowgirl Luncheon Scholarship Application
2025 Livermore Rodeo Foundation
Cowgirl Luncheon Honoree Nomination Form

Cowgirl Luncheon Sponsors
All Pro Mortgage
DunRite Excavation
Jim's Country Style Restaurant
Las Positas Vineyards
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Livermore FFA
Livermore Ford
Livermore Stockmen's Rodeo
Lucky Supermarkets
Martin Stanko Construction
Ridgecrest Designs
Uptown Girls
Event Sponsors:

Table Sponsors:
5-Star Networking - Gina Hermann
Bustamante, Gagliasso, Lynch & Foscalina
Chicago Title - Sarah Eads Kendro
Flying Fillies - Elizabeth Peixoto
Foscalina Club Lambs
Inderbitzen Ranch - Sandy Inderbitzen
Jamie Peterson
Jenni Bucedi
Kim Masters
Kim Stanley
Kirk & Pam Pope
Livermore Auto & Tire - Zandi Bothwell
Loucks & Friends
Ma Jolie Salon & Spa - Keren Phillips
Piazza For Hair - Carolyn Piazza
Pointer Ranch - Sarah Patterson
Robin Rasmussen
Rustic Relic Ranch Designs - Christie Sachau
TBL Tax Service - Raimey Wiggens & Cindy Gallagher
Teri Melo
The Kristy Peixoto Team
Theresa Imhoff
W2 Heart Co - Michelle White
Supporters and Donors:

Alameda County Cattlewomen Association
Ally Rothfuss
Amy Ashe
Armando Fagliano
Ashley Basso
Bar3M Creations - Joann Mendoza
Baughman's Western Outfitters
Beauty Room 925
Ben Gordon
Betty Kelley Von Senden
Brett Benoit
California Waterfowl - Darren Solaro
Campbell Bakeshop
Carly Piazza
Cherie Frost
Chris Owens
Christie Sachau
Christine Andreotti
Collyar Designs - Danielle Collyar
Craig Hachmann
Craig Rivers
Cross Road Growers
Daria Mendoza
Debbie Rose
Denise & Karl Mueller
Dominic Greci
Dr. Diamond
Dustin Goff
Eric & Toni Emmanuelle
Fremont Fire Department
Happy Hooves
Heather McGrail
Jaded Desserts
Jason Dreher
Jennifer King
Jim Foscalina
Joann’s Pumpkin Patch
John & Dianne Foscalina
Juanita Baker
Kathleen Minser
Katie Stevelak
Kaycee Calleja
Kim Masters
Kim Stanley
Kim Vardanega Kent
Krystealle Franco
KT Goff
Lee Stanley
Legacy Real Estate & Associates - Bill Aboumrad & Kathleen Minser
Lilas Liskey
Linda Damonte
Little Lady Leather
Livermore Automotive
Livermore Butcher Shop
Livermore FFA
Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department
Livermore Police Department
Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association
Livermore Vine Cinema
Lori Porter
Lynn Staysa
Marci Liskey
Maria Batteate
Mcgrail Vineyards
Merry Carter
Michael Luna
Nedra Cassarino
Nicole Joiner
Oak Door
Pam Pope
Phyllis Fernandez
Piazza For Hair
Pioneer Equine Hospital
Rebecca Lawrie
Riata Diner & Tavern
Robin Rasmussen
Roxann Kasparian
Rustic Relic Ranch Designs
Sandy Bohner
Sandy Inderbitzen
Sarah Eads
Stephen & Brandi Silvia
T’s Nail Bar - Tammy Nguyen
Tamren Kuhn
Tara Reichert
Tim Ponder
Tina Newsom - Realtor
Tony Cabral
Uptown Girls
Vicki McInerney
Victoria Higgins
W2 Heart Co. - Michelle White
Wingen Bakery
Wood Winery
Yshimura Home Bakery
Zandi Bothwell